What Is an Impact Door?

What Is an Impact Door?

Impact doors near Boca Raton are very similar to impact windows. An impact door will protect a house from debris that might hit it or damage a regular door; these doors are very valuable and effective during hurricane season. Impact doors can also deter and prevent potential burglars from entering a house through any exterior doors. Here is a brief look at impact doors and how they can best protect a house:

When a house has impact doors and impact windows, it is well-protected by strong glass and framework. Impact doors and windows can hold up to multiple strikes from rocks, branches, and any other debris that might occur during a hurricane. Impact doors are typically installed in place of former glass doors, but homeowners can easily request all exterior doors be impact-resistant. Impact doors and impact windows are also popular installations when protecting a porch or enclosing an area outside of the house.

Impact Door and Windows in Palm Beach

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