May Is National Mental Health Awareness Month

May Is National Mental Health Awareness Month

Glass and mirrors are often used as metaphors. (That probably might not hold true when it comes to glass shower panels or frameless glass railings but stick with us here!) And metaphors involving glass and mirrors often pertain to some aspect of mental health or identity – something that we thought might be appropriate to think about since May is National Mental Health Awareness Month. 

Through a Glass Darkly

Anything that obscures your view or prevents you from seeing things as they really are can be depicted as grime, dirt or distortion – whether you are looking through a glass or in a mirror.

Of course, when it comes to glass, the perfect example of a metaphor that pertains to mental health would be the question of whether you see the glass as half empty or half full. It is widely understood that this is an indication of whether you tend to look at the world as an optimist or as a pessimist. 

“Mirrors reflect light which allows them to reflect the world around them. In spiritual concepts, light is a powerful symbol of wisdom and awareness. As a consequence, mirrors are symbols and carriers of truth and reflect what our truth is,” Neve Akridge writes in The Mystical Symbolism of Mirrors on Medium. 

“Psychology tends to be more critical of mirrors which represent the barrier between conscious and unconscious,” she goes on to say. “And therefore, by looking deep into a mirror, we look deep inside ourselves in a conscious way, following a thoughts process.”

For Christopher P Jones, writing in Symbols In Art: Mirrors & Reflections, which can also be found on Medium, “The idea is that mirrors reflect a hidden truth, perhaps a window to an ‘anti-world’, a more unvarnished version of our own. We are accustomed to demons and supernatural creatures having no reflection on account of being dispossessed of a soul. Thus, as a means of disclosure, the image that appears in a mirror can be thought of as being more revealing that the mere surface appearance.

“Hence, in art, the depiction of a mirror is usually for some allegorical purpose. It is a way of saying, ‘There lies a deeper truth here.’,” he concludes.

The Most Important Question

When you look into the mirror, what do you see? We all tend to be hard on ourselves, seeing what we consider to be our countless imperfections. The next time you look in the mirror, try focusing on the positive things you see… like your smile.  

If you or someone you loves needs help, you can call a national hotline set up by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration at 1-800-662-HELP (4357). This is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders.

If you or someone you know is suicidal or in emotional distress, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) to connect with trained crisis worker who are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

And if you want a clearer view of your world, well, you can always contact us about crystal clear glass shower enclosures. Frameless glass balcony railings and custom mirrors. Stay safe and be well!

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