Clever Ways to Use Mirrors in Small Spaces

Clever Ways to Use Mirrors in Small Spaces

Mirrors in Small SpacesDecorating a smaller home can sometimes feel like a daunting task. To add style and appeal to your house, without making your indoor spaces feel cramped, you may want to consider decorating with wall mirrors. A mirror adds light and spaciousness to a room, without adding too much clutter to the wall. A company that specializes in the mirror in Boca Raton can help you create the perfect custom mirror for your wall, hallway or bathroom. To get the most out of your mirror installation, it is essential to keep certain principles of design in mind. Here is a look at some clever ways to use mirrors in small spaces.

Place Large Mirrors Behind Furniture

A large mirror can be tricky to place in a smaller room or hallway. When you are decorating with a larger mirror, you may want to consider placing your mirror behind a piece of furniture. By placing your mirror behind your furnishings, you will be able to enjoy the benefits of your mirror, without having to dedicate a wall solely to the mirror, itself.

Take Advantages of Light Sources

Lighting is very important when it comes to the interior design of a small space. To get the most out of your room’s lighting, you should be sure to consider your lighting design when you are choosing and installing your mirror. When a mirror reflects lighting, it can create a beautiful and appealing effect that will completely transform the feel of an interior space.

Reflect Your Windows and View

Mirrors can also be used to take advantage of a beautiful view that you may have out of one of your windows. In a small space, having window space is key for opening up the room and making it feel inviting and spacious. When you reflect a window with a mirror, you will be able to take extra advantage of the harmonizing effect of a beautiful window view. Your glass and mirror company can help you create the perfect mirror for your indoor space.


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